Backwards rolls

This week we are going to be talking about backwards rolls.Now you really need to know how to do this because it helps with learning your back walkover back back kickover and back I will have a video for you to look at AFTER you read this hole thing please DO NOT SKIP ANYTHING I DO NOT want you to hurt yourself because you skip a step.So this is how you are going to learn a backwards rolls.First You need to practice rolling on your back and not rolling on your neck because if you rolling your neck you could really enjoy yourself. Also after you practice rolling on your back and not your neck you want to do a rebound now if you don’t know what a rebound is a rebound is when you jump up with your hands in the air and straight line. You have to keep your hands by her ears at all times while you’re rolling because if you take them away you could enjoy your neck your head and your wrist. So two ways to start a backwards roll is to do a rebound then squat down and keep your and keep your hands by your ear Then you put over the steps together and he will have your backwards roll also I suggest you try this because she needs serviced because you’re after rolling your back but other than that yeah don’t forget to check the video out down below bye.How to Do a Backward Roll | Gymnastics - YouTube

Image result for how to do a backwards roll


  1. Stand. Stand up with your legs and back straight and your hands at your sides.

  2. Crouch. Crouch down onto your knees.

  3. Begin to roll. Roll backwards, onto your back.

  4. Gather your legs. Put your hands just below your hips to hold your legs up into the air. ...

  5. Flop your legs down. ...

  6. Sit up. ...

  7. Finished.


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