
Showing posts from February, 2018

tig men park

Hey there campers tonight is a night of telling camp stories. Tonight the theme is native americans. In honor of the statue the native american tribe who fought for their land and were able to keep it. now today you make your own mine goes like this. One night the kowukins  were sleeping when they heard loud crunching noises.  The word spread fast then everyone knew about it. They did some waiting and it payed of. Because some europeans were trying to steal food from them so they all went to war and they fought off the europeans and they stood in  the Victorious pose and that why we have the Sculptures  there now it's your turn tell me your story.   

Best Day Ever

It was my birthday. My mom and My little sister, brother and I were driving very fast when we passed the Pink Store when I  saw that they had a sale for 50 % off. I asked my mom to stop the car so we could go inside. She said no and started driving again but she realized that it was my birthday today.She gave in and said  we could go so she turned the car around and we went into the store.As we walked into the store I saw this adorable sweater. My mom said that i could have it.That was the best day of my life.  


One day I was walking to school and me and my friend found this mysterious drain pipe so my friend was like hey dude doesn’t that things look really weird and I was like that thing is called the drain pipe and useally the carries water through it but this particular drain pipe didn’t look like a normal drain pipe. So we kept walking then we ran a pawn a mysterious book that was dirty and covered in pasta sauce and he was next to the drain pipe me and my friend looked through the book and it said Pastor via meatball a Cush when we said those words it started to rain so we hid under a little place where the drain pipe was then we heard a rattle it was the drain pipe something was trying to come through it when my friend looked up the drain pipe it was spaghetti and meatballs and garlic bread when it hit her face she screamed so loud and we ran back to her house we tried to tell her moms but they didn’t believe us so they drove us to school but we kept it between me my friend and our pare